Moorefield takes on Goin’ Postal

Goin’ Postal, 11519 Kingston Pike in Village Green Shopping Center, “provides shipping, FedEx and (U.S. Postal Service),” Moorefield said. “We can do anything the post office can do and more.
“You don’t have to go there and wait in line,” he said. “We do a whole lot of notary service here,” as well as fax, sell stamps, copy and shred documents.
“Now, we do full-time notary,” Moorefield added. “We always have a notary here … They did not have that before.
“Banks, especially the larger chains, can’t do a lot of different notary services that I can do, so they end up sending a lot of things here,” he added.
Additionally, “I have 134 P.O. boxes — I have vacancies available,” Moorefield said.
The company also provides lamination, and he is expanding to buy and sell used books, as well as taking book donations.
“It seems a lot of people have books sitting around taking up space,” Moorefield said.
He bought the business from Frank Venable in August.
“I had been doing office work — accounting — for construction and stuff for the last several years, and I wanted to branch out on my own,” Moorefield said. “I loosely knew Frank and his son; I found out they had this for sale, and after a few months of investigation here I am.
“It’s good so far,” he added. “It’s a great community, a lot of support, and I think it’s getting better all the time — happy to be here.”
Goin’ Postal is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, and closed Sunday.
“This place, before, used to close down in the middle of the day,” Moorefield said. “We don’t do anything like that.”
For more information, call 865-288-7708 or visit