Much of credit ‘to my wife’ for international award

“I give much of the credit to my wife, Dolly,” said David, a retired scientist and Corporate Fellow Emeritus at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who recently was awarded the Joining and Welding Science Award from the Joining and Welding Research Institute at Osaka University, Japan.
The award “commends researchers who have contributed internationally outstanding achievements in the science of joining and welding, and who have contributed significantly to the development of joining and welding science,” stated a press release from JWRI, “a premier institute for fundamental and applied research in the field of welding and joining science” according to ORNL.
David joined ORNL in 1977. “In 2008, he retired as a Corporate Fellow of ORNL, an honor conferred upon only a few elite scientists each year,” an ORNL press release stated. “He led the Materials Joining group at ORNL before his retirement.”
David received his doctorate in metallurgical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Fellow of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, ASM International, the American Welding Society and the International Institute of Welding.
Moreover, he is the founding member and editor-in-chief of the journal Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. He has contributed extensively to welding science and technology and advocates for welding to be recognized as a science.
David’s research in welding science and solidification by using innovative experimental techniques is internationally recognized. He was the task leader of DOE Basic Energy Sciences Welding Science Program at ORNL for 25 years, providing leadership for advancing welding science and technology.
David has a long list of awards and honors, including the Arata Prize from the International Institute of Welding, Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Pittsburgh and the Elegant Work Prize from the Institute of Materials.
The American Welding Society awarded him the 1981 Lincoln Gold Medal. In 1994, he received the Champion H. Mathewson award from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
He has contributed to more than 350 papers in the fields of phase transformation, solidification, welding processes and welding metallurgy. He organized and edited 10 international conference proceedings on Trends in Welding Research.
“UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States,” the ORNL press release stated.
“DOE’s Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time,” the release further stated.
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