letter to the editor

Citizens not properly heard before McFee Road purchase

In the June 22 meeting (of Farragut) Mayor and Aldermen, two of the five aldermen did not show up for the crucial vote on spending $5.6 million for the new ballfields or park or whatever on McFee Road.

The Board never decided why they were buying the land. They said they would decide after they bought the land. The newest Alderman (David White) made a motion to table the vote until the residents of Farragut could be heard in a workshop. The motion died for the lack of a second. I’ve never seen anything like this before. There was no proper real estate appraisal of the land’s worth.

(Two) Mayor and Aldermen trusted what the seller said it was worth. This purchase never went through the Farragut Planning Commission. The seller gets a free road into hundreds of acres in Farragut and hundreds of acres in Loudon County, which will create many hundreds of homes that will dump out on McFee Road at the worst possible place and will cause traffic havoc.

I am very disappointed the people of Farragut never had a chance to be heard. Only five people at the meeting spoke in favor of the purchase; 24,000 people live in Farragut. This was not fair. 

Chuck Johns,


Confused about mower emission claims in recent fp story

While I was pleased to read a story about hard-working young people (Clean Green, June 28 issue) in our community providing a service and respecting the environment, I am confused about their lawnmower emission statement.

They say, “The average gas lawn mower expels the same amount of air pollution as 43 new cars travelling 12,000 miles.”

Is that each car travels 12,000 miles? That would amount to 516,000 miles. If so, that’s one dirty gasoline engine.

And how long does said gasoline engine operate to produce that much pollution?

Do the 43 new cars travel a TOTAL of 12,000 miles? Or 279 miles each?

I understand and support their goal of operating an environmentally friendly business, but I hope they could better describe how it will reduce emissions.

All said, keep up the good work guys!

Ira Powell,
