KCSO reports
• At 1:15 p.m., Friday, Aug. 18, a complainant called Knox County Sheriff’s Office Teleserve Unit to report a stolen 2013 Ford truck from U-Haul, 10833 Kingston Pike. Complainant advised the known suspect rented the U-Haul box truck at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 9, and was supposed to have it back by 3 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 12.
“He advised they have attempted to contact the suspect via text, calls and by mail,” the report stated. Total value of loss was listed at $90,000.
• At 10:27 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 15, a KCSO detective “met with the victim at the City County Building, where the victim reported that a white male attempted to break into his vehicles in his driveway,” the report stated.
“Victim does have video evidence, and a link from Evidence.com was sent to the victim.”
• At 10:13 a.m., Monday, Aug. 14, a victim came to KCSO West Precinct to report a hit-and-run. Victim said he noticed damage to the rear of his 2016 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck, but was unsure of where the incident occurred and needed this report for insurance. Estimated value of damage was listed at $800. There is no known suspect.
• At 8:58 a.m., Aug. 14, a complainant came to KCSO West Precinct to report identity theft at a Kendall Hunt Street address. Complainant advised receiving a letter in the mail Friday, Aug. 11, stating she tried to open a Bank of America account but was denied.
Later on the same day, complainant received a call from Chase credit cards that an unknown suspect(s) tried to open an account through Chase but was denied. Complainant advised she never tried to open these accounts and does not know who or why this happened. There are no known suspects.