Signing terminology pointed out
In the Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting on Sept. 28 when Alderman David White said the Town had purchased the McFee property, Mayor (Ron) Williams responded that he signed an “intent to explore” purchasing the 55 acres on McFee Road. I feel this is word play and is disingenuous.
This is the (location of the) document Mayor Williams signed on Sept. 1, 2023. It is a purchase agreement; it is titled “Real Estate Purchase and Donation Agreement””
2023.09.06 - Ltr to Allison Myers fwd Real Estate Purchase and Donation Agreement btw TOF and Scotts.pdf - Google Drive
This land purchase from day one has been plagued with deceptive practices.
At the beginning of this Mayor and Alderman meeting, Mayor Williams made two changes that should concern everyone. Williams said from now on questions must be addressed to the Mayor, and if the Mayor is not present then to the Vice Mayor (Louise Povlin). So, residents may no longer ask questions of the Aldermen even for agenda items.
I believe this is unconstitutional. There are still unanswerquestions on the land purchase, particularly about the altered plat map and who placed it in the June 22 Mayor and Aldermen meeting packet.
Is this the best Farragut can do?
Charles Johns, Farragut
Editor’s Note: Readers are encouraged to visit the Town’s YouTube page (Board of Mayor and Aldermen and FMPC meetings), find the Sept. 28 meeting and hear for themselves what was said by all parties involved.