Don’t dread bath time with Dirty Dawgs

Micah and Nicole Stair, co-owners of Dirty Dawgs Dogwash, opened a novel self-service business across from Costco last month at 10710 Kingston Pike, Suite D, in which people can bring their dogs to be washed.
No appointments are needed, Nicole said. “It’s just a walk-in. The machines are set up to pay by credit card or the app.
“And, what’s different about these (machines) are … The dogs stand up — you’re not breaking your back,” she added. “All the water and dog hair go underneath a mat, so your dog is never standing, actually, in the water.
“The hose, where the water comes out, the shampoo and soap actually come out as well (with the water), so they evenly distribute so you’re not having to stop, soap up your dog. We also have a blow dryer … we have combs if you need a comb for your dog.
As for keeping things sanitary, “We clean the combs two to three times a day,” Nicole said
“You have it where you and your dog are in your own little area,” she added. “So, if you have multiple dogs, you can clean them and you don’t have to worry about them getting out or anyone else messing with them.
“It’s easy to get them in and out. You don’t have to worry about lifting the dog.”
For dogs who are sensitive to shampoos or conditioners, customers can bring their own; however, she said the products she uses are for sensitive dogs.
“We also have a rinse cycle without the shampoo,” she added.
And, one of Dirty Dawgs’ machines has skunk shampoo in case a dog gets “skunked.” Nicole said “it does work.”
To use the machine “(the customer) puts in the credit card or uses the (phone) app to pay at the machine,” she said. “It’s $12 for 12 minutes.
“We also have a monthly subscription,” she added.
The store idea came about when the Stairs noticed the community’s affection for dogs.
“My husband and I have always wanted to find and own a business,” Nicole said. “We realized there are a lot of dog parks and so many dogs around here, but there isn’t really any do-it-yourself, come in, wash your dogs set-up for your dogs only.”
Next, “I met a guy at a trade show, and he was selling these (dog-washing) units, and we hooked up with him,” she said.
The dog wash is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.
Dirty Dawgs can be found on Facebook and Instagram and can be contacted at 865-566-4613.