Freaky Friday Farragut fun set

“Children ages 12 and under are invited to collect treats on the walking trail from local businesses, community groups and Town of Farragut volunteers,” Farragut communications manager Wendy Smith stated in a press release. “Games with prizes and cookie decorating also are part of this evening of family fun.”
Additionally, the event will feature food trucks Taco Mafia and Kona Ice on location with food for purchase.
This is a free event, but Smith said participants are asked to bring items to benefit the local Ronald McDonald House in Knoxville. “Giving the wealth of worthy charities in our community, we are honored and quite humbled to have been chosen as the Town of Farragut’s recipient of the fun-filled family event,” RMH director Sue Beverly said.
“Being supported 100 percent by donations, having this opportunity to receive a bounty of greatly needed goods — plus the exposure of simply letting the public know that we’re here to serve — is a Godsend,” she said.
RMH typically receives about $1,100 to $1,200 in monetary gifts at the event.
Plus, “our RMH van is filled to capacity with wish-list items, an exciting evening all around,” Beverly said. “We’re quite proud of the fact that ours was the first RMH in the state.”
Knoxville’s RMH has been in operation for 37 years, providing a “home-away-from-home” for some 60,000 people who travel to Knoxville to receive medical treatment for their ill or injured child,” she said.
Bringing the most pride, “besides our beautiful House, is the fact that if a family cannot make a $5 per night donation to stay, it’s completely free, no questions asked,” Beverly said. “So many families are already dealing with mounting medical bills, income lost from taking a leave of absence from work to be with their child and dealing with ongoing medical expenses of children with chronic illnesses.?
To help RMH families, the organization is asking for the following donations: cake mixes, brownie mixes, cans of frosting, coffee pods, to-go boxes, bottled water, individually wrapped snacks, small individual bags of assorted chips, granola bars, Pop Tarts, mayonnaise, postage stamps, kitchen-size garbage bags, large black lawn and leaf bags and gift cards to Amazon, Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot and grocery stores.
Collection stations for RMH will be located next to the cookie-decorating area off the main parking lot on Watt Road and next to the entrance from the Harrison Lane parking lot. For more information about RMH, call 865-637-7475.
“Cash also is greatly appreciated,” Smith stated.
For more information about Freaky Friday, contact Recreation and Event manager Rachel Malone or 865-218-3375.
The event will be held rain or shine; however, in the case of severe inclement weather, check Farragut Parks & Rec on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for event status.