World champ Knight
Overcoming serious accident to lead Town martial arts class

Paul Knight, a world champion martial arts competitor, performer — eighth-degree blackbelt — and instructor with more than 40 years experience in a special Kung-Fu style, will introduce Huan Shou Jia, “the martial arts style he learned in New York from Zongshi George Crayton Jr.” according to a biography on Knight, to a new Kung Fu Slash Martial Arts class. It begins at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 1, and will take place from 5 to 6 p.m., Wednesdays, and from 3 to 4 p.m., Sundays.
All ages, from 6 to the elderly, are welcome, and can join not only to learn how to fight and apply self-defense — potentially going from a white -belt to a blackbelt — but can also join just to improve personal flexibility along with other health/energy benefits.
Cost is $60 per month, which is to be paid at the Community Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd. For more information on how to sign up, call the Community Center at 865-218-3376.
“The magic of martial arts is the magic of new beginnings,” Knight said. “No matter where you’re starting from, martial arts can be the exciting ‘Magic Carpet’ that takes you to a destination of mental clarity, good health and positive self-esteem.”
“… Shifu Knight is even more proud of what his students have achieved,” the bio also stated. “… Shifu Colleen Diemer, one of Shifu Knight’s top blackbelt fighters, has herself won numerous state championships as well as national championships. She has also been inducted into the Cosmopolitan Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
“Michael Walters, another of his black belt students, overcame a broken back to become an outstanding black belt competitor,” the bio further added. “Knight’s wife, Gabrielle, also is one of his black belt students, and is herself something of a local celebrity and one of the top female martial artists in the area.”
Going back almost 30 years, Knight went through a life-changing experience and eventually overcame a major foot and leg injury.
“In 1994 Shifu Knight suffered a life-changing motorcycle accident, in which his left foot was almost completely severed above the ankle,” his biography stated. “As if that were not enough, the bones in Paul’s ankle were crushed and his tibia and fibula were not only fractured, but completely separated as well.”
Would Knight lose his foot? Would he walk again? Even if his foot could be saved and leg heal, would this talented man ever compete again?
“Those were dark days. The outpouring of sympathy Paul received from the local martial arts community following the accident was more than encouraging, but the general consensus was that Paul would be lucky to walk again, much less compete,” the release stated. “On examining the damage to Paul’s leg and reattaching the limb, doctors at the local hospital gave Paul a 50/50 chance at surviving the horrific accident.”
However, “After two weeks in intensive care, it became apparent that a small miracle was taking place,” the release stated. “Not only was Shifu Knight surviving, but he was determined to recover fully. He felt that God had big plans for him.
“Paul’s very survival was due to a series of small miracles. For example, the head of the emergency room to which Paul was transported happened to be a blackbelt with whom Paul practiced regularly.
“At first, Shifu Knight had to use a wheelchair to get around; and so, after about six months he began teaching from this wheelchair,” the release further stated. “He even began thinking of ways to teach a wheelchair-based style of martial arts. ...
“Paul soon abandoned his wheelchair, progressing to the use of crutches. Before long, Paul began wearing a specially designed leg brace to class. He was tremendously motivated by the fact that so many of his student’s and friends now saw him as an inspiration. As time went on, he realized that he had a duty to show the world, and young people in particular, the power of the human spirit — divinely inspired — in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.”
Within two years “he competed in his first local tournament, winning first place in the fighting division,” the bio stated. “In 1998 Paul Knight was the North American Sport Karate Association’s Middleweight Champion in fighting and the FBBA State Champion in forms competition as well.
“Since then he has won the Grand Championship in Forms or Fighting a record 14 times at the Battle of the Arts held in Palm Beach County, including a stretch where he won the Grand eight consecutive times,” the bio also stated. “Shifu Knight has subsequently been inducted into the Battle of the Arts Hall of Fame.”
In 1994, he was inducted into the world Martial Arts Hall of Fame, and has been inducted into United International Kung Fu Federation Hall of fame as Competitor of the Year for 1992, and also Cosmopolitan Martial Arts Hall of Fame.