• The (Town government) meeting Nov. 9 was sad. A woman spoke about how the pickleball courts at McFee Park right next to her home had greatly harmed her quality of life.
She played a recording of the sounds from the courts. No one should have that very loud noise next to their home in Farragut. The sound was so loud she could hear it inside her brick home. Her request was simple: protect her property rights; her home was there before the courts were built. The pickleball courts should be removed.
I thought that would be the end of the discussion. It wasn’t. Pickleball supporters came up after her to speak and (some) said since only five homes were affected and there were 150 people playing pickleball, the Town should keep the courts. Their courts.
Is this the new Farragut where a flawed argument like that would trump individual property rights? What is really sad is the Town just spent $5.5 million dollars for 55 acres of woods when they could have bought the old Ingles store, which has 50,000 square feet of space. Enough for 40 indoor pickleball courts.
I will praise two (Town) officials who said the best solution is to move the eight pickleball courts at McFee Park to Mayor Bob Leonard Park. That is the only fair solution. The pickleball people demand the courts remain at McFee Park. They don’t speak for me. I hope they don’t speak for the Town.
• I am wondering what can be done about the loud drag racing and speeding on Kingston Pike in Farragut starting around 9 to 10 p.m. many evenings during the week — not only on weekends.
I called and e-mailed Tennessee Highway Patrol, but never got a response. Can Knox County Sheriff’s (Office) or (T)DOT do anything such as change the traffic lights back to the daytime schedule? There are also loud motorcycles, revving engines and noisy mufflers.