Albritton brings FitnAll to Town: ‘28 Days to new Life’

Albritton, the author of “28 Days to a new Life: A Holistic Program to Get Fit, Delay Aging, And Enhance Your Mindset,” holds degrees in forensic psychology and certifications in personal training, fitness and nutrition.
Additionally, she has participated nationally with the National Physique Committee in figure competitions and co-authored “The Better Business Book Volumes II and III.”
Albritton also is the founder of FitnAll Coaching and blog.
“I do a combination of fitness, nutrition and, if people want, I can do life coaching,” she said.
“I like to meet people where they are. I’m enthusiastic, but I also like people to be comfortable,” she added.
Albritton said she is “committed to encouraging people toward a healthy lifestyle with concrete tips … to make them change inside and out.”
She launched FitnAll in 2012 in New York, becoming a top fitness blogger, but moved to Farragut a couple of months ago after researching the area online.
“New York is crazy,” Albritton said. “Now I’m safe.”
Before venturing into coaching, she was a mental health therapist, dealing with prison inmates in Rikers Island.
“But, after I had my child, I wanted to do something less heavy,” Albritton said.
To obtain her services, visit online at