Passion to come alive
Revival Thrift Boutique to open Feb. 10

“Eventually, I’ll expand with men’s (items),” the Farragut resident said. Regarding unisex, she referred to men’s T-shirts and sweatshirts.
Coffey also will have some of her own paintings available for sale.
She is excited to start her new entrepreneur venture, reflecting that getting her shop ready has “been a fun, roller coaster ride.”
“I’ve always been very passionate about thrifting and reselling clothes,” Coffey said. “I’ve sold clothes since I was 12 out of my closet.
“My friends would come over and go shopping,” she recalled. “I’ve always had that natural personal shopper energy.”
When Coffey graduated from University of Tennessee with a degree in sociology, she intended to go into non-profit work. However, she was led on another path.
“I had no idea this is where I would be after I graduated, but I’m extremely thankful,” she said. “I looked for jobs in non-profit work but nothing was working out for me.
”Then I had the opportunity to do this, so I took it,” Coffey added. “I found I had a niche for closets and I always enjoyed selling clothes … eventually it got to the point I could literally open a store of my own.”
And with the shop, “I knew I’d have a platform to help others. I do intend to give back to the community,” she said. “That’s always been my goal in life.
“I am going to be very women positive, body positive, sustainable” at her shop, Coffey added. “I’m going to use extra fabric to create my shopping bags, sew them at home and reuse them.
“Most of the furniture I use (in the shop) will be thrifted.
Likewise, her clothing and other merchandise will be “curated out of your closet.”
To complement her boutique, Coffey explained, she also has a closet cleanout service, with which she helps people organize and clean out their closets.
“When I clean somebody’s closet, it’s a trade-off,” she said. “I ‘Marie Condo’ somebody’s closet for the stuff people get rid of.”
Coffey said customers are welcome to bring in things to the shop.
“This (closet cleanout service) is hopefully going to be my main fuel for my inventory,” she said. “I started out organizing … it’s kind of what I did through college, just to pay bills.”
Coffey also is thinking about having birthday parties for women and wine nights and painting parties.
“I have lots of ideas, and I’m very excited for all the things to come,” she said.
Rather than consignment, Coffey plans to do “up-front buying” or trade.
Additionally, “I will have avenues of donating to places for pieces of clothing I choose not to buy but someone wants to get rid of it,” she said. “I won’t be happy if I’m not helping others. I won’t be motivated without knowing it’s going to a good cause.
“I do want the store to be innovative,” Coffey added. “The vibe I’m going for is Altered State meets Goodwill, right there in the middle.”
She’s planning to have the shop open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday; and from noon to 7 p.m. Sunday. Coffey plans to close Monday and Tuesday.
For more information about the shop, call 865-297-5899 or visit or on social media at shoprevival 865.