Open house, donations at Closets by McKenry

At the same time, Closets is a donation location for Carson-Newman University’s clothing drive for The STORE Career Closet.You can drop off clothing items to be donated at Closets by McKenry.
“Come by for coffee and a snack, and our friendly design team will be available to answer your questions, hear your ideas and listen to your needs,” said Chris McKenry, chief organizing officer/owner of Closets by McKenry.
“January, for years, has been a good organizing month,” he added. “Coming off the New Year’s resolutions and people wanting to get free from all their excess from the holidays, it’s a good time to think about your organizational systems in your home, how to get better organized.
“So, we’re just having every Wednesday in January an opportunity for people to come in, look in the showroom, see what all we offer, see what all the possibilities are for their closets,” he said.
The company designs and sells organization systems — racks, drawers and more — for closets, kitchens, pantries, hobby rooms, home offices, laundry rooms and garages.
“We’re just here to answer questions, talk about the projects they have in mind, McKenry said.
“Of course, the showroom’s always open (from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and closed Saturday and Sunday),” he said.
For more information about Closets by McKenry, call 865-249-6382 or visit