Recent college honorees, grads told

• Ten Tennessee Tech students from Farragut were among nearly 4,100 students named to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List: Abigail Phillips, Ava Thompson, Bridges Coffey, Callie Fulghum, Connor Sherrill, Jacob Baldwin, Kendall Johnson, Learik Lillard, Ryan Marasigan and Samuel Morrison.

To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must attend the university full-time and achieve a grade-point average of at least 3.1 on a 4.0 scale.

• Abigail Howard and Sarah Morrow were among more than 1,800 undergraduate students who qualified for the Spring 2024 College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List at the University of Kentucky. Students on the Dean’s List earned 12 or more credit hours as letter grades with a minimum 3.6 GPA for the semester.

• Andreas Sales McMurtry of Farragut and Mackenzie Arlington and Hannah-Mae O’Sullivan who live near Farragut were among Southern New Hampshire University students named to the Winter 2024 President’s List (January to May). Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 for the reporting term are named to the President’s List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term.

• Kaleb Bedard and Patrick Casey of Farragut were among Maryville College students earning Dean’s List honors for spring semester 2024. Consideration for the Dean’s List is open to full-time students who have a grade-point average of at least 3.6 in all work undertaken, no grade below a “C” and no incompletes for the semester.

• Suzanna Maylee Warren of Farragut earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Health and Wellness Promotion from Marvyille College during its Commencement ceremony Saturday, May 4.