60th reunion, Farragut High School Class of 1964

  • Suzanne Riggle - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Randy Kelley - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Steve Ballew - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Judy Derrick, wife of classmate Jimmy Derrick - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Sandy Gritzner White, left, and Jackie Keck - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • David Keck, left, and David White - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Rick and Sassy Foster - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Janice Lee PIckens, left, and Loretta Cooper Robertson - Photos by Tammy Cheek

  • Farragut High School Class of 1964, 27 strong, turned out for their 60th anniversary reunion, held in Virtue Church Family Life Center Saturday, June 8. Photographed in no particular order are T.K. Kelley Barnett, Estelle Crouse Bluhm, Gary Brown, Steve Ballew, Loretta Cooper Robertson, John Craig, Jimmy Derrick, Nancy Haun Lawhorn, Rick Foster, Charlene Turner Hobbs, Gary Letsinger, Richard Johnson, David Keck, Randy Kelley, Janice Lee Pickens, Tanya Petree McLean, Phyllis Moore Watkins, Suzanne Riggle, Charlie Russell, Linda Reynolds Russell, Gary Scarbrough, June Graham Scarbrough, Wayne Smathers, Wayne Calvin Starnes, Sarah Williams Stewart, David White and Sandy Gritzner White. - Photos by Tammy Cheek

Farragut High School Class of 1964 graduates walked down memory lane remembering the early 1960s, friends and the campus way of life from days gone by during their 60th reunion in Virtue Church Family Life Center, 725 Virtue Road, Saturday afternoon, June 8.

Of the 34 who attended, 27 were graduates, with the rest spouses and guests.

In 1964, the United States and Russia were making strides toward space travel, Tokyo hosted the 18th Summer Olympics and the Civil Rights Act was signed into law.

But for seniors at FHS that year, it was about sporting events.

“All the guys played basketball and football, and us girls played basketball and cheered,” classmate June Graham Scarbrough recalled.

Fellow classmate Gary Scarbrough praised organizer Wayne Smathers, who had taken care of the reunions since the class’ 50th in 2014.

Wayne Calvin Starnes remembered, as a sixth-grader, returning to school in the fall and being told “we’re supposed to be next door” at the high school.

The class also remembered their principal, the late Kenneth “KP” Sargent.

“He was a very bold and no-nonsense kind of guy,” Suzanne Riggle recalled of Mr. Sargent.

On the first day of high school, Starnes recalled students were milling around when Mr. Sargent appeared and told them, “‘You made a fool of my predecessor, but you’re not making a d--- fool out of me.’”

Starnes was taken aback. “People didn’t say d--- then,” he recalled.

He also remembered two boys goofing off before the principal butted the boys’ heads together, while Smathers remembered watching Mr. Sargent pick up a student by the shirt and shove him against the lockers.

Some of the women remembered Mr. Sargent did not allow them to wear shorts or smoke, although he did allow the boys to smoke outside.

Other classmates who attended were T.K. Kelley Barnett, Estelle Crouse Bluhm, Gary Brown, Steve Ballew, Loretta Cooper Robertson, John Craig, Jimmy Derrick, Nancy Haun Lawhorn, Rick Foster, Charlene Turner Hobbs, Gary Letsinger, Richard Johnson, David Keck, Randy Kelley, Janice Lee Pickens, Tanya Petree McLean, Phyllis Moore Watkins, Charlie Russell, Linda Reynolds Russell, Sarah Williams Stewart, David White and Sandy Gritzner White.