letter to the editor

Sound off at FMPC not to reduce traffic lane widths

This Thursday, June 20, at 7 p.m., at the Farragut Community Center, 239 Jamestown Blvd., the Farragut Planning Commission will vote on the Farragut Mixed-Use Town Center Vision Plan.

This, if approved, will go to the Mayor and Aldermen — and if approved in that body, this will become an ordinance.

This is the next-to-last item of a very long agenda. This is so important, it should be heard in a Special Call(ed) meeting as the only agenda item.

Farragut residents need to know this vote will approve tree-filled medians in the middle of Concord Road, Campbell Station Road and Jamestown Boulevard. It will reduce traffic lane width at Kingston Pike and Campbell Station Road. Residents have been vocal they do not want this.

It is very important that residents come to this meeting and speak. There are serious problems with this plan that should be removed.

Lawrence Segrest, Farragut