letters to the editor

Wife touts Roberts for South Ward seat

My husband, Randal Roberts, has decided to run for alderman of the South Ward. I support his decision and I would like to ask for your support as well. Local politics is not something either of us thought would be in his future but Farragut is no longer the place we chose to raise our children in and that concerns us both.

Change is inevitable, but few of us expected there to be over 500 apartments in Farragut or that our “town center” is becoming completely different from what was initially promised. Our traffic problems continue to mount, and it seems that there is little effort on the part of our elected officials to explore and implement possible solutions. Tree-lined medians are definitely not the answer.

This election is going to be about trust. Who are the residents going to trust in the years to come? My husband takes that responsibility very seriously. He believes that the residents have a voice and it should be heard. He collected over 1,500 signatures of Farragut residents against the Biddle Farm apartments but the voices of those residents were ignored by our Town officials. 

Randy has never been afraid to stand for things he believes in. He stood up and fought Weigels when they wanted to put a full-access entrance directly across from Sugarwood which would have endangered the safety of the residents. He is always willing to stop and help when someone is in need, whether it is to tow, a broken down car that is stalled in the middle of the road, like he did just this past week, cut up and haul off an elderly neighbor’s branches or take someone that was stranded with a flat tire to get it fixed and stay with them to ensure they got back on the road safely.

He is involved in various ministries, all of which are in service to others. He would now like the chance to serve as your alderman to bring a voice and transparency regarding the affairs of our Town.

He is innovative and a critical thinker, and he doesn’t just accept the status quo if he feels it can be done better. I believe that Randy will be an asset to this Town. Please join me at the polls and cast your vote.

Lisa Roberts,
