letters to the editor

List of reasons to support Russell’s candidacy

I would like to take a moment to offer my support to a different type of candidate that is so worthy of our support in this upcoming election on Aug. 1.  That would be Angela Russell, who is running for the office of County Commissioner for District 5, which includes Farragut and surrounding areas. 

I first met Angela at a meeting of the Knox County Conservative Republics (kccrtn.org) back a couple of months ago. I’m not easily impressed by many people until I get to know them, much less on first contact. 

But there was something different about Angela.  Her composure and down-to-earth nature was so refreshing to see compared to others who have adapted their presence to match that of the office they occupy, or hope to occupy.  I just don’t see that happening with Angela like it has with others.

At one of the monthly meetings of the Concord Farragut Republican Club, she gave what had to be the best Town Hall presentation I have ever heard.  I tried my best in hopes of finding someone that had actually recorded it, but no such luck. It was from the heart, unscripted, neighbor-to-neighbor conversation as to why she felt compelled to pursue public office at this time.  She has the heart of a servant and that’s what is so lacking in what you find in other candidates. 

She honestly wants to represent the residents in what would be her district if elected.  We so desperately need someone like that with all the challenges we now face with overdevelopment, homelessness, out-of-control government spending and all the liberal agendas that seek to change our way of life to achieve a “new normal!” 

Angela is an underdog in this race, she’ll be out-spent, out-advertised and about every out-something you can imagine over the next month or so.  But this election is not about who has the most signs, the biggest signs or the most advertising — it’s about putting the right person in office that will represent us to the best of her natural ability, and that would be Angela Russell. 

I strongly recommend that we throw our support behind her in this campaign, either through word of mouth or campaign contributions. But most importantly, when we go to put our ballot in the machine during early voting or on election day! 

To learn more about her, I strongly suggest you check out her website (VoteAngelaRussell.com).  We need her voice on County Commission.


Randal Roberts, Farragut