Farragut Decision ’24: Roberts
Ward 2 South alderman seat

Randal Roberts
• The most important qualities required of any elected official are the ability to listen, understand and represent our Farragut residents.
In my opinion, our elected officials no longer believe in that as they are fixated on prioritizing their own agendas, such as a “walkable” Town Center.
I want those basic qualities restored to where residents will once again come to trust that their concerns and needs are again important.
I am not a politician, have no political ties to consider or protect, just an average resident that cares about helping his neighbors no matter what their problems may be.
Innovation and problem-solving skills are another necessity. Those are a natural ability passed on to me from my grandfather: see a problem, analyze it and come up with solutions. My Masters in Criminal Justice emphasized “system planning and application,” which is what Farragut needs when trying to address these challenges!
I have a proven 36-year track record of providing innovative solutions to the unique challenges I encountered at ORNL. I will do the same for Farragut.
-What are one or two of the biggest issues/challenges facing the South Ward, specifically, and one or two of the biggest issues/challenges facing Town of Farragut? What are you going to do about it? Why are you best suited to get the job done?
• Northshore Drive is now under construction with the addition of 2 feet of new pavement on each lane of Northshore Drive. South Farragut will be inundated with even more traffic than usual.
Unfortunately this will be the new normal for a very long time, so residents must expect even more delays than they now experience.\: https://www.farragutpress.com/articles/2024/03/13658
Kingston Pike is a primary detour route for Northshore Drive. For 18 months to 24 months one lane of Northshore drive will be closed to widen those lanes. As such more traffic will detour onto McFee, Turkey Creek and Virtue roads to get to Kingston Pike. There are no other alternate routes.
Traffic light timing must be synchronized for many areas along Kingston Pike, especially at Concord Road and Campbell Station Road. The Town must ensure that emergency response vehicles (sheriff, fire, rescue and ambulance) can get to the people in need. Failure to do so could endanger residents lives.
Farragut must authorize a new traffic study and fund it to provide a more comprehensive long-term solution to our traffic problems. Any pinch points that create traffic backups must be prioritized and addressed immediately. I will not vote for any cosmetic upgrades to our road system until traffic solutions have been identified, funded and implemented.
The state of Tennessee passed a new law this year that forbids using eminent domain for walking trails and parks. Yet, despite that law, the Mayor and Aldermen are determined to use eminent domain to take residents property in south Farragut for walking trails that simply are not needed and will create unneeded lawsuits the Town will not win. There is also the issue of right and wrong.
I do not condone nor agree with the illegal taking of property that violates state law.
Personal information
• Retired from ORNL after 36 years ... in Laboratory Protection Division, where I was responsible for the oversight of all nuclear materials ..., I am currently self-employed as a Security Analyst consultant.
I have been married to my wife, Lisa, for 34 years, and have two adult children.