Leading The Great Farragut Sidewalk Sale charge is Hearthside Bank

The sidewalk sale, in conjunction with the statewide Tax-Free Weekend, will take place all day, starting when stores open Friday through Sunday, July 26-28, throughout Town.
“Hearthside Bank is ecstatic to be the presenting sponsor for The Great Farragut Sidewalk Sale,” said Kristin Byers, marketing officer for Hearthside. “For over 14 years, the Farragut Business Alliance has championed our local business community through the unique Shop Farragut program, and we are delighted to support this new annual tradition.
“Join us on July 26, anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 11140 Kingston Pike,” she added. “We will have donuts and coffee from 9 to 11 a.m., hotdogs and hamburgers from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 105.3 WFIV (FM) will be on site from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“MEDIC will be on site doing blood donations, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We will have two giveaways that people can enter inside the branch from July 22 through July 26. The winner will be announced on July 29.”
As for reasons to be involved as an event leader, “We are proud to support this event because it aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering local economic growth and supporting the businesses that make Farragut thrive,” Byers said.
“The Great Farragut Sidewalk Sale will provide unparalleled promotional opportunities for Farragut-based businesses,” she added.
“This initiative helps businesses attract more customers and increase their visibility. Hearthside Bank believes in the power of community, and this event is a fantastic way to bring people together while boosting local commerce.”
Participating “is straightforward and free, with registration through Shop Farragut,” Byers said. “We are committed to promoting The Great Farragut Sidewalk Sale through various media channels, ensuring maximum exposure and engagement.”
Steve Krempasky, SF/FBA executive director, said Shop Farragut “is going to piggy-back on the Back to School initiative and get sales tax off sales.
“We’re turning it into an entire event for Farragut,” he added. “Each business has the ability to do a special event.”
The sale benefits shoppers and businesses alike, Krempasky noted. Businesses normally would have to have a special event permit to put items outside of their businesses.
With this event, however, Shop Farragut does all the permit paperwork for them.
“(Businesses) just need to sign up their shop … that allows them to get a (special event) permit,” Krempasky said.
“It will allow all Farragut-based businesses, registered through Shop Farragut, to special promotional opportunities, relaxed special event permits and temporary signage requirements, plus opportunities to utilize discounted advertising in a special tab distributed by the farragutpress,” he stated on the Shop Farragut website.
Looking to make it an annual event, Krempasky encourages businesses to have special activities, such as those at Hearthside. Bank.
For more details about Hearthside activities, e-mail social@hearthsidebank.com or call 1-606-242-1086. For more information about Shop Farragut events and the Sidewalk Sale registration, e-mail to steve@shopfarragut.com or call 865-307-2486.