letters to the editor

Eminent domain potential challenged

The article entitled “Neal, 3 households take Town (Farragut) to court” as it appeared in your paper, farragutpress, of July 10, 2024, is of noteworthy interest to all residents of Farragut.

As you interestingly point out, the taking of one’s property for any purpose can be remarkably stressful and financially painful for all parties.

It appears from this article that the Town patriarchs and matriarch have overstepped their egos.

I have had a chance to review the evolution of eminent domain extending from the 2013 review by the Intergovernmental Committee on Eminent Domain (state of Tennessee) to and including the April 24, 2024 Tennessee legislature replacement of TCA 29-17-102.

Regarding this latter legislation, there is clarity regarding intent to protect personal properties from taking by overzealous municipalities.

Indeed, it appears that in Farragut’s case, shifty people are shifting the language as a matter of subverting the clear intent of the law, an intent of this statute replacement to protect persons’ property from exactly this behavior.

As a matter of purpose regarding the taking of such property, in the instance of prohibition of such taking by the city of Farragut, who is hurt? Who suffers? Whose life efforts will be displaced? Who will go to bed hungry? Who will go to bed worse in the absence of the new pathway?

Absolutely no one! Any notion to the contrary can only be construed as ego sophistry and arrogance.

If the Town patriarchs and matriarch are genuinely caring extensions of the people they represent, surely there are other less imposing solutions, even one including no path extension.

Dr. F. Oliver Cope, Farragut