Special ‘work’ doggie birthday for Paisley

  • Wearing a silver crown to celebrate a special day, Paisley the little workforce doggie appreciated all the tennis balls she’s now got to play with, which was a present on her first birthday Tuesday, July 30. - Photo submitted

  • Paisley is held by her owner, Angelina Gonzalez, alongside daughter, Bella. - Photo submitted

Paisley had her day as royalty when she celebrated her first birthday with friends and family in the office of Parker Business Consulting, 10265 Kingston Pike, Tuesday, July 30.

This 10-pound Pooton (a miniature poodle and Coton Be Tulear mix), owned by Angelina Gonzalez and her 10-year-old daughter, Bella, a rising fifth-grader at Concord Christian School, “is kind of the office dog,” Gonzalez said. “She has come to work with me ever since she has been about 10 weeks old.

“She actually came from a family breeder in Iowa,” the owner added. “She’s very smart because of the miniature poodle and the Coton Be Tulear. They were actually bred to be lap dogs.”

So, July 30, “we decided to do something special for her because she does come to work every day and greets all of our clients,” she said. “We’re an accounting firm, so we often have stressful deadlines and things, and she’ll walk around the office and give everybody some snuggle time, make everybody a little happier … she is a sweet pup.

“Yesterday (July 30), she had a birthday cake from Riverdog Bakery (in Farragut), and we also had Brown Bag Catering,” Gonzalez said. “Then, we also did a tennis ball piñata.”

Did Paisley participate? “She kind of did,” Gonzalez said and laughed. However, she added, “The piñata was a little bit scary for Paisley, but she loves the tennis balls.”

When the balls dropped, “she kind of ran for a minute then came back to look at all the tennis balls,” the owner said of Paisley. “She loves to play ball in the office, so she was happy to have so many balls.”

About having a party, Paisley “liked it,” Gonzalez said. “She got a little piece of chicken and a little piece of steak from the Brown Bag Catering. “She loved that.

“And, she loved her Riverdog Bakery cake,” the owner added. “That was her favorite part.”

Paisley’s 8- to 10-inch cake was made of carob and peanut butter.

“When we opened the box to show it to her, she kept sniffing the box and was trying to get to it,” the owner said. “Then, she gobbled up the little piece we gave her and then she kept smelling the box.

“We had the box on the conference table, so she was even walking on the conference table to get to that box,” Gonzalez added. “She wanted more. I think she preferred that (cake) over the Brown Bag, which was saying a lot because that was chicken and steak.

“Most days, Paisley is pretty calm, doesn’t bark too much, just kind of walks around and gives everybody love. But she knew something was up (last Tuesday) because she was very, very barky and very feisty, so I think she somehow knew the day was focused on her and having the best time.”

In fact, “She had a lot to say,” Paisley’s owner said. “(The following day), she was very quiet.”

During the party, though, Gonzalez said Paisley behaved very well “because, of course, there was that cake and she knew she had to be a good girl if she wanted more (cake). She let everybody eat their lunch and she was pretty calm during the party because she was anticipating good food and the cake.

“After that, she slept for the rest of the day,” Gonzalez added.

Lila Reyes, one of the firm’s accountants, organized the party for Paisley.

“She organizes everybody’s birthday party, and she’s also in charge of our (company’s) brand-name switch,” Gonzalez said of Reyes. “We’re going from Parker Business Consulting to Speth and Associates this fall.”

Bob Parker, who recently retired, sold the firm to Kerry Speth.