letter to the editor

Town Founder praises Povlin

Vice Mayor/Alderman Louise Povlin’s retirement from the Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen leaves a void in the Town government.

She dedicated a tremendous amount of time studying regulations, researching issues, meeting with citizens, preparing for meetings and working to better our community. She also served on her Homeowners Board (and Town’s) Municipal Planning Commission.

Unfortunately, she was often attacked with misinformation and disrespectful behavior. Social media was used to make false statements and create deception. The Town has had disagreements and controversies over the years, but never such behavior. This behavior is an embarrassment to the community.

Rapid growth is unpopular. Many prefer everything remain the same as the day we moved into our home. For me (50 years ago), Farragut was a few subdivisions, very little traffic, one traffic light and mostly farmland. A great place to live. My preference was not change, but I didn’t own the land. Growth was inevitable.

I do not like the apartments, apartments density, smaller lot sizes and limited commercial parking. Government is trying to manage growth and its adverse impact on current residents and infrastructure, while at the same time considering property owners rights and the demand for more housing. Conflicts are often resolved by court decisions.

We are being overwhelmed with growth and ensuing congestion. Congestion is a problem in Farragut, Hardin Valley, Choto, Cedar Bluff, Lenoir City, Maryville and Knoxville. Apartments are being built everywhere. New developments are taking the remaining open land. Growth is a reality throughout Tennessee. The traffic and growth problems are much larger than a Farragut issue.

Those unhappy with current government should study applicable federal, state, county and local regulations; research responsibilities, defined powers and sources of funding. Continue to learn, and if interested and willing to devote many hours, run for office. Difficult decisions are ahead.

As a founder of Farragut and alderman 40 years ago, I still pay attention to Town government. Louise Povlin was the hardest working alderman ever. She did her best to serve the entire community. Thank you for all your time and effort. Enjoy your retirement.

Eric Johnson, Farragut