Mom experiences help prepare Morgan for duty as 5th District Board Ed rep

Thirteen years spent nurturing her own three children while engaged with the Knox County Schools system — especially Farragut schools — have prepared Lauren Morgan, a first-time elected official, for the responsibility of helping the youth of Knox County’s 5th District.  

Elected after all votes were tabulated following Election Day Thursday, Aug. 1, by receiving 62.75 percent of the vote versus Democrat opponent Terrye Whitaker, Morgan takes her seat on Knox County Board of Education in an educational landscape bolstered already by high success.  

“I am very excited about this new position,” Morgan said, “and I have enjoyed getting to dive in since the election,” eager to “continue building relationships in our community.” 

Paired with excitement is usually a side of anxiousness. For Morgan, it’s the “significance” of the task of the Board.

“I don’t take this responsibility lightly,” she said, “and knowing that my fellow community members have voted for me and entrusted this important role to me is a heavy responsibility.”  

A product of the county’s kindergarten through 12th-grade system, Morgan received her diploma from Bearden High School in 2005 before earning her degree in human ecology-nutrition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 2009.  

While her husband, Tommy Morgan, landed his first post-college job up in Rockville, Maryland, working for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Morgan completed a dietetic internship and graduated in 2010 from the University of Maryland, beginning a career as a dietitian in Washington, D.C., before moving back home to Knox County. 

She founded the nonprofit Project Gabriel in 2014 after her second son passed away the year prior, not long after his birth, and the support portal — along with her new role on the BOE — is her working focus now.

According to her website (, “Project Gabriel exists to support families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death by offering monthly support groups, individual relationships and care through financial, emotional and physical means bring all of those things to parents going through a devastating loss.” 

Today, ever the nurturing mother who understands what children are up against — from her own experience to witnessing the happenings as a member of parent-teacher organizations — Morgan said “safety is of the utmost importance,” adding, that it’s “imperative that we help keep our students safe in all aspects of their school day.”  

Relationship building is a key priority as well. “I want people to know that I am excited to be the representative for District 5 on the school board,” she said, “and I want to hear from our community,” looking forward to working closely not just with fellow board members, but with administrators, staff, students and parents.  

“I look forward to partnering with the district to make sure that every student has an excellent education,” Morgan added, “including our students with special needs,” an important factor as she is the mother of two daughters — Izzy, 11, and Cooper June, 9, who have dyslexia. Her eldest, 13-year-old Jack, is gifted.  

“I think my varied experiences with my children help me to better understand other parents’ experiences,” Morgan said in regard to both special education and over-crowdedness, key issues that made her enter the race.  

Morgan also comes to the table with loads of advice. Susan Horn, former Fifth District rep (term-limited) “has been a wealth of wisdom,” she said. “Susan holds so much experience and institutional knowledge, and I am thankful for her willingness to share that with me. She has shared lots of good advice with me, and has been very helpful in helping me learn to see the big picture, as is the school board’s role.” 

Election night was special for the Morgan family. “It was a gift,” she said, “to be able to spend it with those I love and celebrate with so many who helped us get to this point. I love that my kids got to see the election process in a different and personal way, and it meant so much to have them and my husband, Tommy, with me that evening.” 

During their leisure time, the Morgans enjoy greenway dog walks, all things Tennesse Vols athletics, beach vacations and trips to anything offering something fun.

“I love spending time with my family and cheering my kids on in all of their things,” Lauren Morgan said, sneaking away to get a tennis match in when she gets a chance.  

As for the task at hand, though, she concluded, “I’m excited to serve in this role, and I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me. We can do great things together.” 

Morgan’s first BOE work session was Tuesday, Sept. 3, following her swearing in. Her first regular session will be Thursday, Sept. 5.