town calendar
Craft fair/Angel Tree
• West Knox Senior Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd., is gearing up for the holidays with a craft fair and Angel Tree.
The craft fair will take place from noon to 3:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 15, at the center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd.
“Several of our seniors that come here do a lot of crafting,” senior center coordinator Darrell Gooding said. “So, this is an opportunity for them to meet with the public, and the public to see what they do and even purchase their items if they want.”
The event is free to attend and open to the public.
“Also, Friday, Nov. 1, we’re kicking off the Senior Angel Tree,” Gooding said.
Offered by the Office on Aging, the items collected go to seniors who are served through the Office on Aging, he said.
“We always have a drop-off box here at the senior center, and I’ve heard the Office on Aging say so many times that the people of this center go above and beyond what’s required,” Gooding said.
“We’ll have a list of items that we can make available to individuals, and they can go out and purchase items on that list, bring them in and drop them off,” he added.
People are asked not to wrap items.
“(Recipients of the items) must meet certain income guidelines, so these are individuals who are in need,” Gooding said.
CLUP workshop
Town of Farragut Community Development staff will host a free workshop on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how it applies to property designated Mixed-Use Town Center beginning at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20, in Farragut Community Center (239 Jamestowne Blvd.).
The workshop will cover:
• An overview of land use plans
• A history of how land use plans have been applied in the Town
• Key strategies in the current Comprehensive Land Use Plan
• How the CLUP is specifically applied to the Mixed-Use Town Center
• A review of how the CLUP has been used to implement changes in the MUTC over the past decade.
This workshop is part of a quarterly program to provide citizens with information on planning and land use-related topics. For more information, contact Community Development director Mark Shipley at
Find Admiral Farragut
Visit Farragut is partnering with local businesses for a Find Admiral Farragut trail in November. A cutout of Admiral David Glasgow Farragut — Town namesake and the U.S. Navy’s first commissioned admiral in the early 1800s — about 6 inches tall and 3 inches wide, will be placed in participating businesses and restaurants.
“Visitors and residents can pick up a ‘passport’ at Farragut Community Center, 239 Jamestowne Blvd. or download and print a passport from the Visit Farragut webpage or the linktree on the Visit Farragut social media pages,” a Visit Farragut press release stated. “Eighteen locations will be listed. When participants go to each location, they get a passport stamp recognizing Admiral Farragut has been found. If they collect 12 stamps of the 18 locations, they bring their passport to the Community Center for a prize. If they collect a stamp for each location (all 18), they bring the passport back to the Farragut Community Center for an additional prize.”
The trail began Friday, Nov. 1, and runs through Saturday, Nov. 30, “and is designed as a fun way to explore Farragut, to introduce participants to new locations and to learn about places to shop and places to eat for the holiday season,” the VF press release further stated. “Some of the locations on the passport include some Farragut favorites such as The Shrimp Dock, Euphoric Cheese Shop, Elliott’s Boots Shoes & Sandals, Park & Alley and Brickhouse Collectibles.
“Part of the uniqueness of Farragut is the connection to Admiral Farragut, and the passport trail is a way to celebrate that history by continuing to spotlight him and his significance.”
For more information, e-mail Tourism assistant Kristi Vining at