Customer upgrade: 8,000 Comcast linear feet
Farragut Comcast customers soon will be getting new cable from Kingston Pike along Concord Road, ending at the First Utility District wastewater treatment facility, 1051 Concord Road.
Farragut Municipal Planning Commission, during its meeting Thursday, Nov. 21, voted unanimously to approve a right-of-way plan for the Comcast cable installation of “more than 8,000 linear feet of new cable in both existing and new conduit along predominantly the overhead utility line system from the intersection of Kingston Pike and Concord Road, along both sides of Concord Road, and ending at the FUD wastewater treatment facility,” Community Development director Mark Shipley said.
The approval was based on the following conditions: A right-of-way permit be obtained from the Town’s engineering department and no open trench installation.
“There will be a couple of directional bores as part of this project, but most of the work is aerial installation,” Shipley said. They will bore under Concord Road and close to the intersection with Kingston Pike.
On another matter, FMPC voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to allow a second dwelling unit on a lot belonging to Tyler Butler, but changed the ordinance to include the following restrictions on allowing more than one dwelling unit on a lot greater than 1.5 acres:
• “The lot is at least one and one-half acres.
• “It has been determined by Town staff that the lot could not be further subdivided in compliance with the Town’s subdivision regulations.
• “The second dwelling unit shall meet the setback requirements for principal dwelling units in the R-1 District.
• “The second dwelling unit shall be situated so it is at least 40 feet from the existing dwelling unit.
• “The second dwelling unit shall not create an additional access to a public street. The access shall be shared with the existing dwelling unit.
• “The second dwelling unit shall be able to satisfy all applicable utility, code and fire suppression requirements.
• “The lot of record and both dwelling units shall be served with public utility provided, sanitary sewer and water.”
Butler had asked for a second dwelling on his property so he could build a house for a family member.
In other action, FMPC voted to recommend a variance for Cox Universal Group to delay constructing a sidewalk along the front of the proposed Echo Suites Hotel, 1124 Outlet Drive, west of Cotton Eyed Joe, until after the second subdivided property portion is developed.