3x World-record martial artist is bringing Legacy

Becker has partnered with Jon Drew, owner of Drew Fuel Services in Knoxville, to launch the enterprise. He will be teaching ages 4 years to adults, offering various forms of martial arts, which include kickboxing, karate and young children’s classes.
To join a class, call 865-290-4224 or visit the website online at legacyama.com
“We’re currently registering people for the new year,” Becker said. “They get a holiday discount registration.”
As a three-time world record holder, Becker has been featured on the Today Show, Late Night with David Letterman and various TV shows, putting his name out internationally.
“We see martial arts as an opportunity or canvas for individuals to enhance their lives, and we work with all ages on that,” the martial artist said.
Becker has been doing a lot of events for the Knox County community.
“Earlier this year, I performed at World’s Fair Park, and we raised over $20,000 for Childhelp,” he said. “What was taking place was a lot of individuals saw me in the community and they inquired about where my school might be.
“I didn’t have one in Knoxville, so the community came together, and that’s where Jon Drew (and others) came and said, ‘there really should be a martial arts school with your name on it,’” Becker added
“It takes a village to raise (a business); you know, finding the right partners, getting them on board; it really brought this together.”
As for the key to starting a business here, “It’s really been through our community service over the past year and individuals looking to see what we have to offer that brought this to fruition,” Becker said.
Of Drew, “he saw the opportunity and the need in the community for the things we have to offer,” he said.
To help the community, “We offer a program called Breaking Barriers, Building Futures. It’s a specialized program that works with individuals to find guidance and direction in their lives,” Becker said.
As such, he recently worked with a local drug and alcohol prevention group, works with children’s organizations and visits children’s hospitals around the country.
In martial arts for more than 30 years, Becker had a martial arts school in Connecticut for more than 20 years. “I think you just continue to come back to your calling,” he said.