Lots of new goodies, $3 mil+, for Town Hall

As Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen awaits the re-opening of its Town Hall (11408 Municipal Center Drive), currently being remodeled, it voted on several items concerning furnishings, security, network equipment, construction, fiber optic infrastructure and more during its meeting Thursday, Dec. 12.

The Board unanimously approved the following:

• Information Technology managed services provider 12-month contract with its current provider TenHats, with an option to extend to 24 months.

It has been providing the service since May for $3,820 per month, totaling $22,920 for the remainder six months of the fiscal year, according to Travis Ramsey, Town IT manager.

• Contract with Hendricksen for Town Hall furniture and fixtures through an Omnia contract and Sourcewell contract for $268,154. 33. The funds are coming from the federal American Rescue Plan Act funding.

• Approval of a contract with Everon ADT for Town Hall Security and Installation through Omnia contract for $121,813.96.

• Approval of a five-year contract with Everon for security licensing for $35,116.85 for security equipment.

• Approval of purchase from SHI Court of Town Hall network equipment for $34,051.46 to be installed by TenHats.

• Approval of proposal from Canon & Canon for construction engineering inspection services for the fiber optic infrastructure, which costs the Town $150,000.

• Approval of Wright Construction change order for $110,832 above the contract price and add 17 days to the construction contract.

The original bid price was $2,999,700. “With any remodeling that we do, we’re going to run into unexpected things,” said Bud McKelvey, Town senior facilities project manager overseeing the remodel. The new completion date is set for Spring 2025.

• Approval of contract for fiber optic cable infrastructure from Creek Enterprises for with funds from AARPA.

• Approval of utility Make Ready Work agreements for fiber optic cable infrastructure project with McKinley-Horn.

(Edited to update opening date of Town Hall.)