KCSO reports
• At 8:47 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 18, a complainant called Knox County Sheriff’s Office West Precinct to report theft and vandalism at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Home Health Care along West Point Drive.
“Complainant (said) after they received the oxygen concentrators, it is their routine to place the equipment in a bag with materials to kill any bugs and place them outside on the porch for a few days until inspectors are finished,” the report stated.
“When staff members began going through the machines, they saw copper wiring had been ripped out of the machines and stolen, and then the cords had been reinserted to hide the missing copper,” the report further stated. At the time of this report there were no known suspects.
• At noon, Dec. 18, a victim advised that several items were taken from her Chowning Drive residence. The victim was unsure of the quantities that were take of Oriental rugs, light fixtures and household goods. Victim advised she was making a list of all the items missing. Total value of loss was listed at $3,600.
• At 7:45 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 17, a complainant called KCSO Teleserve Unit to report a theft of services from 115 Brooklawn St.
Complainant advised an unknown suspect came into his restaurant and ate half of their meal and left without paying. Value of loss was reported at $31.