Top Features ’24

100th anniversary, Dario, prez, champ

  • Dario Antonucci - File Photos

  • Maurie McInnis - File Photos

  • Macy Morgan - File Photos

  • Dixie Highway Garden Club members - File Photos

Dario Antonucci was recognized with a special pin by his son, Richard Antonucci, during a ceremony at Morning Pointe Senior Living-Westland Monday, Sept. 16. Dario, at age 100, was being honored for service to his country in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

Maurie McInnis, a 1984 graduate of Webb School of Knoxville, took the helm as Yale University’s 24th president, and first permanent female president, Monday, July 1, after serving six years as president of Stony Brook University in New York.

Dixie Highway Garden Club members celebrate the club’s 100th Anniversary Thursday, Sept. 12. Seated from left are officers Becky Durrance, LaQuita Misner, Kay Stokely and Ann Fritts. Officers standing, from left, are Janet Underwood, Catherine Bell, Connie Wallace, Linda Ford, Kathy Lasater and Judy James.

Macy Morgan, a freshman majorette with the Farragut High School Marching Admirals band, won the National Beginner/Intermediate Show Twirl title at Drum Majorettes of America Nationals (12- through 14-year-olds) on the University of South Carolina campus in Aiken, South Carolina, Wednesday through Saturday, July 14-17.