KCSO reports

• At 12:37 p.m., Monday, Jan. 27, a Knox County Sheriff’s Office unit responded to a Farragut hotel in regards to found property.

Complainant, who works at the front desk, said “another worker found two firearms in a room belonging to a (visiting resident) who checked out on Jan. 25,” the report stated. An officer “located one silver and black BB gun and a 22-rifle that was in pieces.”

• At 2:52 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 26, a complainant called KCSO Teleserve Unit to report theft from a Confederacy Circle residence. Complainant said a package containing various toys was stolen, having been shipped from the United Kingdom.

Complainant said she found those missing items on Ebay, being sold by a business in North Knoxville. Complainant said she believes the items are hers “because one of the bears she ordered had a hand-written tag stating, ‘132 out of 150 bears,’ and was also on the Ebay listing,” the report stated.

• At 3:45 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23, a complainant came into KCSO West Precinct to report forgery at an East Fox Den Drive residence. “Complainant advised while checking his online Truist account he noticed the check number … was cashed to the listed suspect,” the report stated.

That check “was originally written out to Fox Den Homeowners Association in the amount of $235 on Jan. 2,” the report further stated. “Complainant (said) he put this check, as well as several others, inside his resident’s mailbox on Jan. 2 to be sent out.” The check was electronically deposited into a Chase bank account.

• At 4:04 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 22, a complainant called KCSO West Precinct to report theft from a Kingston Pike business. Complainant advised the suspect used to be an employee of her company until Monday, Jan. 20. On that day, complainant advised the suspect to bring back company-owned supplies.

“The suspect advised she would bring them back” on Jan. 20, but “complainant has not heard from the suspect since” that day, the report stated.

• At 8:06 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, a complainant called KCSO North Precinct to report theft of vehicle parts that occurred in the parking lot of Starbucks, 101 S. Campbell Station Road. Complainant advised an unknown suspect took the catalytic converter off of her 2006 Ford Taurus.

The availability of video surveillance was unknown at the time of this report. Value of loss was listed at $4,000.