Greenway, parks growth among Retreat topics
With the number of possible Town projects, policies and initiatives in the works or proposed, Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen set priorities on them during a Board retreat in a Turkey Creek Medical Center classroom Friday, Jan. 24.
The Board looked at its parks and recreation programs; enhancing its financial position; collaborating with county, state and federal entities; supporting and caring for its staff; and enhancing a high-quality, well-maintained community.
Regarding expanding parks and greenways, “as we build out, we’re going to have a very defined area to do what we want to do,” Mayor Ron Williams said about the greenways. To expand, “there will be times we’ll have to have right-of-way acquisitions or do land purchases in small amounts in order to do (greenway) connections.”
With parks and recreation programs, Board members agreed the priorities are: updating Town parks, greenways, sidewalks, trails and recreation master plan; developing a master plan for the McFee Road new park property; developing a strategy for outdoor entertainment opportunities for Anchor Green in Biddle Farms (downtown); using the great lawn at McFee Park for a large Town event; improving Turkey Creek Road and greenway; improving Sonja and Admiral roads and sidewalks; and adding equipment to the Town Public Works fleet to support taking better care of greenways and sidewalks.
Regarding enhancing the Town’s financial position, Board members chose the following priorities: recruiting sales tax-producing businesses for infill development and the remaining commercially zoned vacant properties in Town; actively pursuing grants for all types of projects in all departments, being more creative and assertive in funding; increasing financial transparency within the Board and staff; and conducting a special census, which would update the Town’s population and maximize its Tennessee state-shared revenues.
In collaborating at the county, state and federal level, the Town wants to: pay close attention to legislative bills that could hurt the Town; advocate and educate the Knox County delegation in the Tennessee General Assembly on potential legislation that could negatively impact the Town and other local governments; pursue an agreement with Knox County for enhanced public safety services in the Town; seek expanded collaboration with the state government agencies and local, statewide and national professional organizations; continue to work and communicate with the Town’s representatives from Tennessee Department of Economic Development and Tennessee Department of Transportation to implement grant-related projects and commitments; and manage development and zoning in the area surrounding the Town, particularly regarding traffic generation and developments that could erode the Town’s sales tax base.
To support and care for Town staff, the Board wants to: continue making hires who are team builders, developing intentional, focused department-level continuing education and professional certification programs that are job specific.
Also targeted is funding and implementing the classification and comprehensive recommendations to keep Farragut competitive in the job market for employee wages and benefits; continue recognition of good work through the Employee Recognition Program; provide necessary tools and equipment to maximize employee safety and effectiveness; and work closely with Human Relations to determine future staffing needs.
To advance a high-quality, well-maintained community, the Board plans to repair the Town’s reputation with some businesses on not being a business-friendly place.
Another goal is to prioritize infrastructure enhancement projects that would mitigate traffic congestion within the Mixed Use Town Center District; implement adaptive technology on existing strategic signalized intersections that would help move traffic through Farragut more efficiently and train on the Advanced Traffic Management System software and become industry experts.
Also a goal is to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan with a new plan heavily focused on transportation, prioritizing infrastructure enhancement projects to mitigate traffic in anticipation of Farragut Elementary School opening in August 2027 and prioritize property maintenance to help ensure the Town retains its desirability appeal.