
Mayor refutes ‘censorship’ take

I want to address what was defined by a member of the community as social media censorship (Letter to the Editor, Feb. 12). My comment during our annual Board of Mayor and Aldermen retreat actually reflected the opposite view — I believe that inaccuracies on social media should be addressed with factual information, not censorship. I don’t believe in any form of censorship, even when my views are portrayed negatively.

My top concern in 2024 and my highest priority in 2025 is addressing Farragut traffic. Kudos to our staff for listening to the concerns of residents and implementing the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). This centrally-controlled system manages all of Farragut’s 26 traffic signals.

We can already see improvements at the Campbell Station Road/Kingston Pike intersection, and more are to come.

Additional traffic priorities for the year include adding adaptive technology to the ATMS, prioritizing infrastructure projects to mitigate traffic in the Town Center area and looking at ways to reroute traffic and increase connectivity throughout town.

As always, you can find accurate information about Farragut at townoffarragut.org, including contact info for board members and staff. We’re happy to talk about your concerns.


~ Farragut Mayor Ron Williams