Ash Chiropractic-Wellness opens in Renaissance suites

“It’s going really well,” Ash added about his business opening. “It’s really rewarding work.”
He offers such chiropractic services as adjustments and soft-tissue work.
“I can do deep tissue massages, stretching — I stretch the patient — and I also do cupping,” Ash said. “Cupping helps bring blood flow to the area (of the body).
“Like if you had a really tough workout and your legs are super sore, I would put cups there (on the legs), and it helps speed up the healing process,” he added
“Sometimes, you do it with heat.
Ash also helps patients with diet and exercise.
Owner background
A Concord Christian School 2016 graduate, he attended Pellissippi State Community College then University of Tennessee, from where he graduated in 2020.
Ash was studying finance at UT, but during his junior year he was in an auto accident.
“I had just taken my last finals and was heading home for Christmas and got rear-ended,” he recalled. “So, I went to the chiropractor and had a great experience and wanted to help other people.”
Ash had just finished his finance studies his senior year, when he went to job fairs and realized, “Man, I can’t see myself doing any of this.”
So, he changed his career path. Still having a good connection with chiropractor from his junior year, he found career support from that chiropractor.
“I jumped right in and went to (Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, Texas),” Ash said. He graduated from that school in September 2024.
“I opened up shop as soon as I got my license,” he added.
Finding a location in which to open was easy for Ash.
“My mom is a State Farm agent in the (Renaissance) Plaza,” he said. “I knew how cool this (location) is, and it’s great timing … it just worked out perfectly.
“I love the area, too,” Ash added. “I grew up here in Farragut.”
He is a member of Tennessee Chiropractic Association.
Hours, appointments
Ash’s office is open from 8 am. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m., Monday and Thursday; from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 7 p.m., Tuesday; from 8 a.m. to noon, Wednesday; and from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m., Friday, or by appointment after hours.
To book an appointment, call 865-671-1000 or visit