Unique concept

PayMore buys, sells unwanted electronics

Anyone wondering what to do with all of his or her used technical devices now can take them to PayMore West Knoxville, a new business that opened at 113 Lovell Road, near First Watch in Lovell Place shopping center.

Jack Patel, Mack Nayi and Dignesh Patel, have partnered to open the franchise in Turkey Creek.

“I want to welcome PayMore West Knoxville to the Farragut community,” Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce president/CEO Julie Blaylock said during a Chamber-sponsored ribbon cutting at the store Tuesday, Feb. 11. “This is a really unique and interesting concept, and the franchisees are going to tell you exactly how unique and interesting it is.

“It’s one of the fastest-growing franchises in the United States,” she added.

“We buy and sell electronics items, electronic accessories,” Nayi said. “That includes phones, laptops, gaming consoles, drones and cameras.

“We are excited to be here,” he added. “We plan to open five stories in five years.”

The partners have been in the retail and hotel businesses for 22 years, Nayi said.

Also, “we did a little research as we got in,” Nayi said, noting Nashville has three stores.

“It was my dream to be a computer tech guy,” he added. “I wanted to do something … helping communities.”

In addition to buying and selling, Paymore recycles old electronics for free.

“Every household has lots of stuff,” Nayi said.

Regarding computers, Patel said, “before we purchase electronics, we wipe out (the data). We make sure it is clean before we sell it to the franchise.”

“People love it so far in the four months (since it opened),” Nayi added about the business.

However, the shop cannot accept printers, as there are no places to recycle them, he said. They also do not take computer monitors and televisions.

“Right now, we’ve been getting mostly the gaming consoles — X-Box and PlayStation 5s,” Jack Patel said about items being brought in. “So, we’ve been selling a lot of gaming consoles.”

Computers and new phones also are popular items.

“We have Pilot phones coming in for trade,” Jack said. “People want to sell their old devices and get a new phone.”

Another unique feature the store has is called B to B, or Business to Business.

“Like banks, offices and companies, when they upgrade to a new system, we buy the old computers … all the stuff, we buy,” Jack said.

“So a small business that is upgrading its equipment can walk in with all their stuff and, at least, get a little bit of a return on their investment into new equipment,” Blaylock said.

“And, we do have an option for paying cash (or) we have store credit,” Nayi said. “We can give a gift card.”

For anything purchased, “we have a 30-day warranty,” he added.

The store has two screens customers use to buy something. “If we don’t have it here, they can look up on that screen” and find it, Navi said.“We will ship it free and have a 30-days warranty.”

“There’s camera equipment; there’s power tools,” Blaylock said. “There is everything that you can possibly imagine that’s electronic.”

Paymore is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday; and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday.

For more information, call 865-777-1117, e-mail dpatel@paymore.com or visit online at www.farraguttn.paymore.com