Homeless population growing in Farragut, West Knox: FWKCC Speaker Series voices

The stigma of homelessness and lack of affordable housing challenge those without homes, law enforcement and the community. 

Business and community leaders heard from Tracey Williams, CEO of Volunteer Ministry Center; Katie McIlwain, director of outreach ministries for Cokesbury United Methodist Church; Erin Read, executive director of Knoxville-Knox County Office on Housing Stability; Capt. Brad Hall, Knox County Sheriff’s Office West Precinct; and Capt. Tracy Hunter, Knoxville Police Department.

Their discussion came during Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce’s Speaker Series: Building Solutions – Tackling Housing & Homelessness Together, in Cokesbury United Methodist Church’s Connection Center, 9919 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tuesday, Feb. 18. 

“Ultimately, we’re going to leave here wiser than we first came in,” said Rebekah Hurst, executive vice president, chief credit officer and community reinvestment act officer with one of the event’s sponsors, Tennessee State Bank.

“There’s been a big demographic or migration shift (of the homeless population) toward West Knoxville. The homeless population has moved west. Why?” asked Speaker Series’ emcee, Hallerin Hilton Hill, radio and TV talk show host of WBIR-TV Channel 10’s “Anything is Possible” show.

“We definitely have seen the shift in terms of where homelessness has concentrated geographically,” said Reid, whose office was established to prevent and respond to housing instability and homelessness in the county and Knoxville.  “I think 10 years ago, really, downtown Knoxville was one of the only places you would have seen a significant homeless population. 

“… What we’ve been seeing is really two things: one is that as encampments have become more visible, (as) Knoxville Police Department … has been getting a lot of complaints,” she added. “And city public service has been sweeping (dismantling) more camps; and we’ve also seen a huge increase in our homeless population.”

From law enforcement’s perspective, “like Erin said, downtown in the city, more complaints were coming about, so people started coming this way,” Hall said. “You’ve got areas that are not developed yet, so you are seeing them move into the wooded areas. 

“They can’t be seen during the summertime, when the foliage is on, but when the foliage is off, you drive in certain areas and see encampments,” he added.  

“They are shifting west, but they also shifted north quite a bit and further east quite a bit, so they’re more visible,” Hunter said. “As we’re trying to work on the order maintenance problem and the crime problems that happen, sometimes along with homelessness, then they start dispersing somewhat.”

Williams said the shift is more an expansion than relocation “because folks aren’t leaving downtown, necessarily, it’s just that the population is growing.

“A big part of that is the domino effect,” she said. “Once you’re priced out of the market, once you’re evicted and you can’t get into a new home, you’re now taking up a spot for someone else, and it just keeps traveling in a domino effect.” 

“In 2018, across the entire city and county, on an average day, we would see 1,000 people accessing homeless services,” Reid said. “That is now up to 2,300 on an average day, accessing homeless services.”

Moreover, “Over the past five years, rent has grown by over $500 a month,” Reid said. “We have definitely not kept pace with that.

“… I do think that substance misuse and mental illness are some of the most visible aspects of homelessness in our community, but what I can tell you is that when you look at the data, they are not the main drivers of homelessness in the community,” she added. 

Julie Blaylock, FWKCC president/CEO, said, “I’m pleased to announce today the Chamber will be able to donate $500 to two member non-profit entities: Volunteer Ministry Center and CUMC Connection Center.”