New Boring Road subdivision mulled by FMPC, Shipley

A preliminary plat for a small subdivision considered for 341 Boring Road, forecasted near the new Farragut elementary school to be built, received feedback from Farragut Community Development staff and Farragut Municipal Planning Commission members during a Town Staff/Planner meeting Tuesday, March 4.

Plans for the subdivision, located in an R-3 zoning district, include 32 house lots on 12.76 acres with a common area for its residents.

“This is the property between Waverly Court and Baldwin Park off of Boring Road,” Town Community Development director Mark Shipley said. “It was rezoned about a year ago to R-3. It was R-1 and R-2.

“We’re trying to make sure that it’s low-maintenance open space,” said developer Russ Rackley, president of and civil engineer with Rackley Engineering and Consulting. “I know the residents at Baldwin Park commented on how well they did over there.

“Every year, it costs more and more money on maintenance, so we really want reforestation and make it where it’s kind of self-contained,” he added.

“It’s a pretty small subdivision,” Shipley observed.

“And, you’ve got a couple smaller open spaces that will be kind of heavily landscaped areas as you are entering and exiting the development from Village Commons (Boulevard),” he added.

There also is a stormwater detention area in the southeast corner of the property.

“They are tying into the two walking trails stubbed into the property from the east,” Shipley said. “There will be a sidewalk constructed along the west side of (an internal street) and along the east side of the external street, tying into the walking trails.

“Most of the land, about two-thirds of it, is kind of cleared for the most part,” he added. “The wooded land is the top third of the development.

“They are incorporating a retaining wall along Boring Road to try to save some of those trees along Boring Road, which is a good thing.”

As for access, “It’s got two access points here at (Boring Road) on the north and (to the south) is an access that’s stubbed into the property from Village Commons (which is at (Villages of Farragut), the senior living community,” Shipley said. “To the west is Waverly Court and Baldwin Park.

The Town staff’s comments include:

• No trees in the buffer can be removed unless the trees are invasive or exotic, such as Bradford pear, privet, bush honeysuckle, mimosa, princess tree, ailanthus or others.

• A centralized mail delivery location is required.

• Developer needs to illustrate grade change between subdivisions — no contour lines were labeled on the plan.

• Silt and tree fence locations will be required in locations in the buffer strip to ensure trees are protected.

• A streetscape plan may need some adjustments.

Also, “one of the comments they had to provide for was meeting the required open space,” Shipley said. “So, they’ve got open space areas that would be exclusive of buffer and detention here in the middle. That’s going to be like a passive recreation space, kind of like Baldwin Park has.

“There’s not going to be a clubhouse or a swimming pool or anything like that,” he said.