Focus on $25k-plus CIP projects: adds, cuts for Fiscal Year ’26 budget

Town budget workshops continued Thursday, March 13, when Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen reviewed several of its funds before its regular meeting.

One of the funds reviewed was the Capital Investment projects fund, which are the bigger projects — more than $25,000 — the Town undertakes, which could take a year or more to finish.

During the Board’s last workshop on Feb. 27, its members asked for changes in the CIP.

“In the general government section of the budget, we had a project that we did not do this year that we need to re-budget for next year,” Town administrator David Smoak said. “That is the restroom building at the Anchor Green over on Biddle Farm. That is $300,000 projected for FY 2026 now that (the development) is getting occupied.

“This year would be a good year to put that restroom facility in (the budget),” he added. “We are also planning some events at the Anchor Green at some point during the fiscal year.”

In Parks and Recreation, “in the FY 2027, you had the McFee Park pavilion,” Smoak said. “That has been deleted for a cost savings of $535,000.

“Under transportation and infrastructure projects, we have moved the Campbell Station Road-Eddy Courtney Way intersection (improvements) from FY 2027 to FY 2028,” he added. “It will stay the same. It will just move out one more year to give us a little more time with the intersection (improvements) we’re planning on doing at Jamestowne and Campbell Station (roads), to see how effective that is before we move forward (with the Campbell Station Road-Eddy Courtney Way intersection project).”

At the Boring Road/Smith Road intersection, there is $100,000 scheduled for (improvements to) that intersection in the FY 2026-27 budget. “That would be a four-way stop and closure of a horseshoe road you have there,” Smoak said. “Also, looking at Boring Road, there were several projects … several options in that area.

“The one I recommend to you tonight is to have a Boring Road closure (at Boring Road and Kingston Pike) in 2027,” he added. “It costs around $50,000. You would close that (road) at Kingston Pike and then create a cul de sac approach at the last residential entrance on Boring Road.

“What that would do, then, is direct all the traffic, as the school studies showed, toward Farragut Elementary School there on the Village Commons Boulevard up and into the school (property).”