KCSO reports
• At 3:46 p.m., Thursday, March 6, a complainant called Knox County Sheriff’s Office North Precinct to file a report on a theft from a building that occurred at an assisted living center.
Complainant advised an unknown suspect took her wallet with the listed contents from her room at the assisted living center. Complainant advised she believes it was someone who has had access to her room.
• At 12:29 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, an officer spoke with the victim, who called in wanting to report a burglary of her home. She said an unknown suspect stole multiple old credit cards from her home, along with “documents” and coins. She did not know the time of the crime.
Victim said the cards are not active, but she thinks that her identity has been stolen and is now being involved in a criminal conspiracy that is being investigated by the FBI and other federal agencies, with whom she also is in contact with, the victim said.
She wanted KCSO “to do a report of her calling in just to have the documentation with local law enforcement,” the report stated. “I provided her with a report number.”
• At 11:33 a.m., March 5, a complainant called KCSO Teleserve Unit to report a vandalism from Planet Fitness, 11433 Kingston Pike.
The complainant, a manager, said the suspect “became irate when he was informed he could not use a massage chair as a day pass user,” the report stated.
“The complainant stated the suspect walked to the chairs and pulled the remote and wires from the chairs. The complainant stated the suspect left the business after he caused the damage. Estimated value of damage was not listed.